
Can I Correct an IRA RMD Mistake?

It’s not uncommon for an individual to inaccurately calculate their required minimum distribution (RMD) for their account. Maybe you forgot that your brokerage firm divided the account in two and they didn’t tell you. This mistake may result in a person failing to withdraw the mandatory amount from an IRA. What can a person do

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Do I Need a Living Trust or a Will? Or Both?

“Tax planning is one element of estate planning, and in many estates is the least important factor. The larger issue is: Who will inherit and what will they inherit?” First National Trust Update April 2015. “A man of 70 need not be always feeling, much less talking, about his approaching death, but a wise man

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Life Insurance in My Estate Plan?

You’re not alone if you don’t fully understand the value and benefits that life insurance can give you as part of a retirement plan. Kiplinger’s recent article, “Don’t Overlook Advantages of Making Insurance Part of Your Retirement Plan,” says many folks see life insurance as a way to protect a family from the loss of

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Do I Need an Attorney to Get a Divorce?

For many, divorce is one of the most stressful and unpleasant times in their lives. For others, it’s simply a confusing and inconvenient hurdle to get through. Whichever situation applies to you, you probably want to get things moving along as quickly and as smoothly as possible after making the decision to end your marriage.

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What Expenses Can Be Paid from a Special Needs Trust?

Special needs trusts are an important part of estate planning. They are sometimes called supplemental needs trusts. They provide families with a safe, secure, and protected way to ensure the long-term care and financial well-being of their children or other loved ones with special needs. Unfortunately, issues can arise and conflicts can emerge where Special

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What Is a Proprietary Lease?

A proprietary lease is a complex yet common agreement between the tenants or residents of a cooperative building (a co-op) and the cooperative corporation managing and running the building. Co-ops are highly common in New York City, but living in a co-op is different from living as a tenant, resident, or owner of your own

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Surviving Spouse Needs An Estate Plan

“If there ever comes a day when we can’t be together, keep me in your heart. I’ll stay there forever.” A.A. Milne “The boundaries which divide Life from Death are at best shadowy and vague. Who shall say where the one ends, and where the other begins?” Edgar Allan Poe When one spouse dies after

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Life Insurance for Elders?

Life Insurance for Elders? Should you continue to keep the policy, asks the Milford Beacon in the article “Should you keep your life insurance?” For term insurance, the answer is fairly straightforward. If the need for the death benefit is done, like paying off a mortgage or being able to pay for the kid’s college

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Are You Retiring? Here’s What You Need to Know

“The joy of retirement comes in those everyday pursuits that embrace the joy of life; to experience daily the freedom to invest one’s life-long knowledge for the betterment of others; and, to allocate time to pursuits that only received, in years of working, a fleeting moment.” Byron Pulsifer “Age is an issue of mind over

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