
Here’s Why a Basic Form Doesn’t Work for Estate Planning

It’s true that an effective estate plan should be simple and straightforward, if your life is simple and straightforward. However, few of us have those kinds of lives. For many families, the discovery that a will that was created using a basic form is invalid leads to all kinds of expenses and problems, says The

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Here’s Why You Need an Estate Plan

It’s always the right time to do your estate planning, but it’s most critical when you have beneficiaries who are minors or with special needs, says the Capital Press in the recent article, “Ag Finance: Why you need to do estate planning.” While it’s likely that most adult children can work things out, even if it’s costly and time-consuming in

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How Do I Get My Mom’s Affairs in Order?

“It is a curious thing, the death of a loved one. We all know that our time in this world is limited, and that eventually all of us will end up underneath some sheet, never to wake up. And yet it is always a surprise when it happens to someone we know. It is like

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A Big Red Binder of Information

Life happens, when we’re not prepared. A woman is recovering at home from minor surgery when her older sister dies unexpectedly, thousands of miles away. She can’t fly from her home to her sister’s home for weeks. What will happen, asks Considerable in the article “This is the most helpful thing you can do for the

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Britney Spears: Guardianship Case

The case of Britney Spears’s guardianship is a high-profile, widely-publicized matter. However, even though Ms. Spears has been the hot topic of conversation on the news and in the media recently, very little is actually known about the details of her situation. I have held every attorney position in the field of guardianship, often I

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How to Decide Who Your Healthcare Proxy Should Be

It’s especially important to name a healthcare proxy, because the chances of having a crisis escalates dramatically as we age. That’s why so many people put off naming a healthcare proxy, says Forbes in the article “How to Select A Healthcare Proxy,” often only addressing this, when they are completing other documents for their overall estate plan.

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I’m Rich! What Should I Do Now

WMUR.com’s recent article, “Handling unexpected wealth,” says the first thing to do is to really step back and review your finances. Did you win the lottery or a game of high stakes poker? What about an inheritance? Depending on how much you have received, you could be in a very different place financially. You should take

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